Rails testing tips for newcomers

Mattia Roccoberton

2 Aug 2019 Development, Ruby On Rails, Testing

Mattia Roccoberton

7 mins
Rails testing tips for newcomers

Writing effective tests is tricky. When working with Ruby on Rails, a good starting book about this matter is "Testing Rails", published by Thoughtbot. In this article, I will offer some interesting points that I found in it.

Main concepts highlighted by the book

What are the characteristics of an effective test suite?

  • Fast: the faster your tests are, the more often you can run them (ideally after every change);
  • Complete: tests cover all public code paths in your application;
  • Reliable: tests do not wrongly fail or pass;
  • Isolated: tests set themselves up (so that you can run tests individually), and clean up after themselves (to avoid to leave data or global state which can lead to failures in other tests);
  • Maintainable: if it is difficult to add new tests, you will stop writing them and your suite becomes ineffective;
  • Expressive: tests should be easy enough to read so they can serve as documentation (because they are always kept up to date). This is related to the concept of Living documentation.

TDD (Test Driven Development)

Test Driven Development is an approach to create applications where you write tests first, you write just enough production code to fulfill that tests and you refactor the code to improve it; repeating these 3 steps until you reach a good level of completness of the software.

TDD is based on a process called Red, Green, Refactor:

  • Red: write a test that covers the functionality you would like to see implemented, run the test, you should see it fail;
  • Green: read the error message from the failing test, and write as little code as possible to fix the current error message;
  • Refactor: clean up your code, reducing any duplication you may have introduced; this includes your code as well as your tests.

TDD Approaches:

  • Outside-In Development starts from the highest level of abstraction first. Often, this will be from the perspective of the user who accesses the application using a browser and interacting with a set of pages. This kind of tests are called acceptance tests and are focused on the behavior of the program. During the development of the application more internal details are written and more low-level tests can be prepared.
  • Sometimes you don't know what will be your end solution, and it could be better an Inside-Out Development approach which helps you build up your code component by component. At each step, you create a larger piece of the application until a complete state is reached.

Tests in Rails

Testing is a big topic, there are plenty of features to check and different ways to do it. That's why some good components are required to prepare valid tests. In the following section, you can find the main ones.


In brief: provides the structure for writing executable examples of how your code should behave.

Installation: add gem 'rspec-rails' to the Gemfile, in groups development (because it adds Rails generators and rake tasks) and test. After executing bundle, launch: rails generate rspec:install which generates spec/spec_helper.rb (used to customize how RSpec behaves), spec/rails_helper.rb (used to customize how RSpec behaves in the Rails application), .rspec (used to specify RSpec flags)

Notes: some good flags for .rspec (require spec_helper, enable colors, expanded output format, list slowest examples):

--require spec_helper
--format documentation


In brief: it helps you test web applications by simulating how a real user would interact with your app. In other words, it is an acceptance test framework for Ruby web applications.

Installation: add gem 'capybara' to the Gemfile (in test group). After executing bundle, add require 'capybara/rails' to spec/rails_helper.rb

Notes: main methods available: fill_in, find, have_content, has_css, have_link, within, visit. An important note about find is that it will keep trying until the element shows up on the page or a maximum wait time has been exceeded (default 2 seconds)


In brief: library for setting up Ruby objects as test data.

Installation: add gem 'factory_bot_rails' to the Gemfile (in test group) and execute bundle

Notes: main methods available: attributes_for, build, build_stubbed, create


In brief: strategies for cleaning databases in Ruby. It helps to run isolated examples.

Installation: add gem 'database_cleaner' to the Gemfile (in test group) and execute bundle

Configuration: add to spec/rails_helper.rb (basic example):

config.before(:suite) do
  DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :transaction

config.around do |example|
  DatabaseCleaner.cleaning do

Read the gem documentation to see other configuration options.


In brief: simple one-liner tests for common Rails functionality that, if written by hand, would be much longer, more complex, and error-prone.

Installation: add gem 'shoulda-matchers' and gem 'rails-controller-testing' to the Gemfile (in test group) and execute bundle. Add to spec/rails_helper.rb:

Shoulda::Matchers.configure do |config|
  config.integrate do |with|
    with.test_framework :rspec
    with.library :rails

Example: to check a presence validation: it { should validate_presence_of(:name) }

Other gems

More gems described in the book:

  • email-spec: helpful matchers for testing mailers, for example: deliver_to, deliver_from, have_subject, have_body_text
  • vcr: allows to record HTTP requests and replay them in future test runs
  • webmock: allows to intercept HTTP requests and returns a canned response (can be configured to block all external web requests raising an exception)

Some other gem that could help a lot:

  • capybara-screenshot: automatically save screen shots when a Capybara scenario fails
  • faker: a library for generating fake data such as names, addresses, and phone numbers
  • simplecov: code coverage with a powerful configuration library and automatic merging of coverage across test suites
  • rspec-retry: retry randomly failing rspec example
  • rubocop-rspec: code style checking for RSpec files (Rubocop extension)
  • webdrivers: keep your Selenium WebDrivers updated automatically

Random tips and suggestions

  • You should test what your code does, not how it is done. So it's important to favor testing behavior over implementation.
  • Private methods are an implementation detail and should not be tested.
  • Avoid testing code you don't own, like third-party libraries (they should already be tested by the respective authors).
  • Where possible, prefer .build_stubbed (instantiates an object, instantiates the associated objects) (or .build - instantiates an object, create the associated objects on DB) over .create (create an object and the associated objects on DB), as persisting to the database is one of the slowest operations in many tests.
  • Feature tests which use a JavaScript driver (enabled with js: true) are very slow, if JS is not required you can disable it on some specific examples.
  • travel_to (Rails 4.1+) method allows you to stub the time within a block without extra gems (like timecop).
  • Ideally, in a pure unit test, we could isolate the SUT (System Under Test) from its collaborators so that only the SUT would cause our spec to fail.
  • factories should define the minimum number of attributes for the model to pass validations, use traits to extend them.
  • When mocking an interaction with a collaborator we set up an expectation that it will receive a given message and then exercise the system to see if that does indeed happen.
  • Spying allows us to check if an object (which must be stubbed) receives a given message.
  • Stubbing allows us to tell collaborators to return a canned response when they receive a given message.
  • When you don't need Rails, or any of its dependencies, require your spec_helper instead of rails_helper for modest time savings.
  • Write happy path tests with feature specs, and sad paths with some other medium, such as request specs or view specs.
  • Whenever you modify global state, be sure to reset it to the original state after the test is run, even if the test raises an error.
  • It’s generally a best practice to encapsulate external interactions (ex. API service) in an adapter class. Your tests can stub this adapter instead of making the network request.
  • The extract method and page object patterns are commonly used to hide implementation details and to maintain a single level of abstraction in both source code and specs.


There are plenty of ways to write tests, but preparing good ones sometimes can be difficult. With the right experience and some useful tools, this goal can be achieved and writing specs suddenly becomes fun because keeping the test suite tidy can let you learn different perspectives on your code and over the years the Rails community built a nice set of comfortable tools that helps a lot.

I would be really interested in knowing what gems you like. Please leave a comment if you can suggest any other testing gem.

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